Amethyst Glass Friendship Web Kugel (4")
Bermuda Blue Spirit Tree Glass Ball 6"
Black and Orange Opal Medusa Spirit Ball Iridized 6"
Dense Blue and Seed Green Medusa Spirit Ball Iridized 6"
Emerald Witch Ball Iridized (6")
Enigmatic Witch Ball Iridescent Autumn Colors (6")
Galaxy Heart "Honey" (5")
Garnet Red Glass Friendship Crackle Kugel (4")
Garnet Red Witch Ball Iridized (6")
Gold Glass Friendship Crested Kugel (4")
Jade Glass Friendship Crested Kugel (4")
Ruby and Garnet Medusa Spirit Ball Iridized 6"
Scarlet Spirit Tree Glass Ball 6"
Sea Green Glass Friendship Kugel (4")
Tabby Glass Friendship Kugel (4")
Violet Glass Friendship Crested Kugel (4")